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Agent Emerson


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《Agent Emerson》剧情内容介绍

《Agent Emerson》在线观看和下载


Agent Emerson

In this immersive 360 degree first-person POV VR film, the viewer is dropped into a visceral, action-packed 3D cinematic experience usually seen in movie theaters, only this time THEY are the action ****. CIA Operative David Emerson awakens to find himself the subject of an experimental program with his body under the complete remote control of the imperious General (Tony Denis...

发布于2019年。由Ilya Rozhkov执导,并且由编剧Joshua King、Ilya Rozhkov携幕后团队创作。集众多位约翰·伯纳克、琳德西·冯塞卡、卢克·霍克斯、Andrew Bowen、Tony Denison、Aleksander Ristic等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2019-11-22(美国)公映的电影。


Agent Emerson资源介绍



Agent Emerson评论

momo 2020-10-21
