幼狮保卫战 Swamp Lions在线观看和下载

幼狮保卫战 Swamp Lions


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  • 类型:纪录片
  • 地区: 南非
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《幼狮保卫战 Swamp Lions》在线观看和下载


幼狮保卫战 Swamp Lions又名Swamp Lions: Lions of the Busanga Plains

The Swamp Pride is on its knees. Its mighty male was killed by poachers, leaving three mothers and their cubs defenseless in one of the toughest landscapes for a lion in Africa. Busanga Swamp is a quagmire, even in the dry season. Hunting in shoulder-deep water is all but impossible, and deadly hippos and crocodiles patrol the ever-present waters. Keeping cubs alive here is har...

发布于2010年。由迈克尔·朗、Producer执导,并且由编剧Writing Credits携幕后团队创作。并于2010-01-01(美国)公映的电影。


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