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Učitel tance


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《Učitel tance》相关推荐

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《Učitel tance》剧情内容介绍

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Učitel tance又名The Dance Teacher

A story about love, dancing and survival, set in the late 40s. Jan Mayer, a young dance-******, arrives in a sanatorium for lung diseases with a serious diagnosis - tuberculosis. But he does not give in to his illness and starts fighting it actively with his optimism and his dancing. Gradually he wins over other patients, who had been accepting their fate passively under strict...

发布于1995年。由亚罗米尔·伊雷什执导,并且由编剧杰瑞·哈巴克携幕后团队创作。集众多位Martin Dejdar、Jana Hlavácová、芭芭拉·科德托娃等著名实力派明星加盟。并于1995-01-26公映的电影。


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