English as a Second Language在线观看和下载

English as a Second Language


  • 豆瓣评分:  未知
  • 演员: Kuno Becker / Danielle Camastra
  • 类型:剧情 / 爱情
  • 语言: 英语 / 西班牙语
  • 地区: 美国
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English as a Second Language

Bolivar De La Cruz, with a baby on the way, has just made the treacherous journey over the border from Mexico to Los Angeles, California, home of the beautiful and restless Lola Sara, whose parents made the same journey some twenty years ago. Now two people from very different sides of the same culture find themselves on a collision course with the events that will change their...

发布于2006年。由A.Y. Dexter Delara执导,集众多位Kuno Becker、Danielle Camastra等著名实力派明星加盟。并于2006-04-25公映的电影。


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English as a Second Language评论

Sandy 2011-08-06

The ending is pretty sissy.