蒂凡尼·哈迪斯 Tiffany Haddish




第46届美国人民选择奖 获得年度电影女明星。获奖影视: 《姐妹老板》

第70届黄金时段艾美奖 获得喜剧类 最佳客串女演员。获奖影视: 《周六夜现场 第四十三季》

第83届纽约影评人协会奖 获得最佳女配角。获奖影视: 《嗨翻姐妹行》


Tiffany Sarac Haddish is an American actress, comedian, and author. After guest-starring on several television series, Haddish gained prominence with her role as Nekeisha Williams on the NBC sitcom The Carmichael Show. After appearing in the 2016 comedy film Keanu, her breakthrough came in 2017 with her acclaimed role as Dina in the comedy film Girls Trip. In 2017, she published her memoir, The Last Black Unicorn.